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Templeton Wind Turbine – Fun Facts:


Please click on article to read:
Templeton Wind Back Online!  Press Release   Jahnel-Kesterman Technical Report 4/17/2013
2016 Total Generation – 1,524,392 Kilowatt-Hours
2016 Average Generation Output – 174 Kilowatts
2016 Peak Generation Output – 1,488 Kilowatts
2016 Operating Rate – 12.79¢ per Kilowatt-Hour

This represents enough electricity to:

1. Feed the entire town for 9 days, or
2. Feed every home in town for 22 days, or
3. Feed every business in town for 20 days, or
4. Feed the Narragansett Regional High School for 1 year, or
5. Feed every municipal building for 202 days, or
6. Feed TMLWP office building for 22 years, or
7. Feed 2,787 refrigerators for 1 year, or
8. Feed 1,739 100-Watt light bulbs for 1 year, or
9. Feed every town streetlight for 10 years, or
10. Pump the town’s water supply for 30 months

Click Here to see the gallery of photos depicting the construction of our wind turbine.
2016 Wind Turbine Fun Fa cts
2013 Templeton Wind Turbine Cost Certification

Templeton Solar Array – Fun Facts:
2016 Total Generation – 5,438,622 Kilowatt-Hours
2016 Average Generation Output – 619 Kilowatts
2016 Peak Generation Output – 3,006 Kilowatts
2016 Operating Rate – 5.81¢ per Kilowatt-Hour

This represents enough electricity to:

1. Feed the entire town for 1 month, or
2. Feed every home in town for 79 days, or
3. Feed every business in town for 71 days, or
4. Feed the Narragansett Regional High School for 3 years, or
5. Feed every municipal building for 2 years, or
6. Feed TMLWP office building for 79 years, or
7. Feed 10 refrigerators for 994 years, or
8. Feed 8 100-Watt light bulbs for 776 year, or
9. Feed every town streetlight for 34 years, or
10. Pump the town’s water supply for 9  years

2016 Solar Array Fun Facts