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Templeton Water Terms And Conditions


Rules for Connecting to the Templeton Water Distribution System

I. All applicable forms must be filled out by the contractor or homeowner and returned to the Templeton Water office before any work or inspection shall be allowed.

II. Cost of new service installations from the water shut-off into the unit, including the revenue meter, shall be paid for by the owner or applicant before the water is turned on.

III. Owner or applicant shall acquire a permit from the Templeton Highway Department prior to digging in the roadway. An approved permit must accompany the application for connecting to the water distribution system.

IV. Regarding ALL new water distribution system taps, a minimum of 2 business days of notice shall be required for the tapping of the water distribution main.

V. All apparatus and all units supplied with town water shall be accessible at reasonable times to Templeton Water for inspection by Templeton Water and/or their designated agent(s).

VI. Any arrears owed to Templeton Water shall be paid by the contractor or homeowner prior to any other work being performed.

VII. Tapping of the water distribution main by Templeton Water or their designated agent(s). Should a contractor wish to tap the water distribution main that he/she must comply with the following:

a. Receive approval from the Water Superintendent or his/her designee

b. If inspection is required by Templeton Water, cost shall be borne by contractor

c. Fittings and tapping saddles shall be approved by the Water Superintendent or his/her designee.

VIII. All work performed by contractors shall be inspected by a representative of Templeton Water prior to any backfilling. Material for backfill shall be approved by the Water Superintendent or his/her designee. There may be exceptions to this due to ground conditions and cave-ins.

IX. All work shall be guaranteed for one (1) year after completion.

X. Replacement of pavement shall be done with bituminous blacktop, or with matching materials at the Highway Superintendent’s discretion.

XI. All ditches shall be compacted to the specifications of the Templeton Highway Department. Road surface shall be patched the same day as the ditch is backfilled.

XII. Any damage to drains and/or any other town property shall be the responsibility of the contractor.

XIII. Water lines shall be ten (10) feet from sewer lines, and twenty-five (25) feet from septic systems

XIV. Any contractor working on the Town of Templeton’s property shall have a minimum of two million ($ 2,000,000) dollars in general liability insurance. This shall include comprehensive premises-operations, underground and completed operation hazard. A certificate of insurance shall be on file with Templeton Water.

XV. Prior to excavation on any town property, the contractor shall be required to call Dig-Safe, procure a ticket number and file at Templeton Water.

XVI. No Templeton Water customer shall be allowed to supply water to others, except by special permit from the Templeton Water Commission, Water Superintendent or their designated agent(s). Any customer found doing so without this permit shall have their water service terminated.

XVII. Any person who removes, changes, alters or willfully damages any water revenue meter shall be liable for damages. Any change in water revenue meter location shall be done under the direction of the Water Superintendent or his/her agent.

XVIII. Water service may be terminated with proper notice when bills for water remain unpaid for fifteen (15) days after they become due. Owners of premises shall be held responsible for the water bills of tenants. Unpaid water bills are a lien on real estate, and collections may be made upon the sale of the premises.

XIX. The Templeton Water Commission or their designated agent(s) reserve the right to terminate water service for the purpose of making alterations or repairs. A water service may be terminated from any taker for non-compliance with the rules and regulations, for non-payment of water bills and for violation of Massachusetts General Laws as they relate to the public water supply. When the water service has been terminated due to disregard of the rules or regulations or non-payment of the water bills, it shall be restored when Templeton Water is satisfied that there shall be no further cause of complaint and required fees have been paid. With the approval of the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering (M.G.L. Chapter 40 Section 41a), the Water Commission or their designated agent(s) reserve the right to restrict the use of water if necessary in any manner deemed appropriate.

XX. The Fire Department shall have control of the hydrants in case of fires and for necessary practice. In no case shall any person be allowed to handle hydrants or other water apparatus without the permission of the Water Commission or their designated agent(s). Any person violating said section shall be fined not more than $ 300 for each offense, which shall inure to Templeton Water or be recovered by indictment or upon complaint before the District Court or by non-criminal disposition in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 40 Section 21d. Each day that such a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. This section shall not curtail the Fire Department or Templeton Water in the normal course of providing fire protection from the water supply.

XXI. Templeton Water shall not in any way, nor under any circumstances, be held liable or responsible to any person(s) for any loss or damage due to any excess or deficiency in the pressure, volume or supply of water due to any cause whatsoever. Templeton Water shall undertake to use all reasonable care and diligence to avoid interruptions and fluctuations in the service, however, Templeton Water cannot and does not guarantee that such instances shall not occur.

XXII. Templeton Water shall not be responsible for damages caused by dirty water resulting from the opening or closing of any gates for repairs or any other reason, the use of hydrants or the breakage of any water distribution mains.

XXIII. Templeton Water shall endeavor to give due notice to as many of its customers affected as the time and character of the work permits whenever it may be necessary to terminate the water supply for any section of the water distribution system for repairs or changes. Templeton Water shall, as far as practicable, make every effort to prevent damage or inconvenience, however, failure to do so shall not make Templeton Water responsible or liable for any damage arising from the termination of any water distribution main nor any subsequent conditions arising therefrom.

XXIV. Templeton Water reserves the right at any time without any notice terminate the supply of public water for the purposes of making repairs, extensions or any other reason. All water customers having boilers or other appliances on their premises are hereby warned against the danger of collapse from these sources and are urged to provide safety devices for their own protection. In any event, Templeton Water expressly stipulates that there shall be no liability for damages resulting therefrom.

XXV. Templeton Water shall not assume any liability for conditions in the water customer’s plumbing or appliances, which may be the cause or trouble, coincident with, or following repairs made to any part of the water distribution supply system by Templeton Water.

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