Your Local Public Utilities, Providing Reliable Service & Low Rates

Templeton FY2024 Water Usage Rates (+25%):


(Effective 2/27/2024 thru 6/30/2024 per Water Commission Vote on 2-27-2024)

Quarterly Charge:  $88.41 per Bill

Tier 1: 0 to 12,500 gallons – $12.68 per 1,000 gallons

Tier 2: 12,500 to 25,000 gallons – $13.41 per 1,000 gallons

Tier 3: 25,001+ gallons – $14.15 per 1,000 gallons

Annual service charge of $353.64 will be billed quarterly @ $88.41.

Irrigation Meters shall NOT be charged the quarterly customer charge.

All Water Meters are read in February, May, August & November.

All Water Accounts are billed in March, June, September & December

Download the Templeton Municipal Water Usage Rates in PDF Format
Download the Tighe & Bond Water Rate Study in PDF Format
Download the Tighe & Bond Water Capital Improvement Plan in PDF Format