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Templeton Water Quality Reports


Posted 7/11/2022

In compliance with the State Department of Environmental Protection rules, the town has tested its water and is issuing its 2022 Water Quality report. The report details the source, quality and treatment of the Town’s drinking water during 2021.

The report includes updated information plus other system improvements. The report is intented to help the community understand the various water, health issues and how the Department works to eliminate those issues.

All water customers will receive a report in the mail and copies will be available at the Light & Water Department Office and Town Office Buildings.

2023 Templeton Water Annual CCRPDF Format

2022 Templeton Water Annual CCR – PDF Format

2021 Templeton Water Annual CCR – PDF Format

2020 Templeton Water Annual CCR – PDF Format

2019 Templeton Water Annual CCR – PDF Format

2018 Templeton Water Annual CCR – PDF Format

2017 Templeton Water Annual CCR – PDF Format

2016 Templeton Water Annual CCR – PDF Format

2015 Templeton Water Annual CCR – PDF Format

2014 Templeton Water Annual CCR – PDF Format

2013 Templeton Water Annual CCR – PDF Format

2012 Templeton Water Annual CCR – PDF Format

2011 Templeton Water Annual CCR – PDF Format